Ever since Google admitted to using social network data for the calculation of their SERPs the remainder of online businesses have finally started taking social media seriously. Therefor I thought it was time to do a post on how to implement the Facebook like button in your Magento product pages, the right way.
First of all, there are two ways to implement a Facebook like button in your website. The first is through an iframe which should never have been an option. And the proper way, through XFBML. The latter forces you to add some non-validatable code to your website but it also saves the users of your Facebook like button a few clicks, and that’s what we want, ease of use for the end-user!
We start by going to the Create an App page on Facebook whilst logged in. It’s possible you’re required to validate your account before continuing. Usually this requires validating your phone number or credit card information. Continue with entering your site name, site URL and locale. From there you’ll be taken to a website with some basic implementation data. Keep this page open because you’ll need to copy your appId later on.
FTP into your Magento installation and navigate to the ‘/app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme/template/page/’ folder. In that folder you should find some .phtml files for your basic Magento webshop structure. Open them and add the following to the <html> tag.
xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" // In my case my <html> tag looks like this now <html xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" lang="<?php echo $this->getLang() ?>">
This adds the necessary XML namespaces to the pages allowing Facebook to interpret additional meta-data in your product pages.
Open up ‘/app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme/template/page/html/head.phtml’ and paste the following at the bottom of the file.
<?php $product = Mage::registry('current_product'); if($product){ ?> <meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo trim($product->getName()); ?>"/> <meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo $this->helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();?>"/> <meta property="og:type" content="product"/> <meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($product, 'image') ;?>"/> <?php } ?>
These additional meta-tags allow Facebook to easily retrieve data required for posting your products through the like button to the user’s Facebook page.
The next file to edit is ‘/app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme/template/page/html/footer.phtml’. Copy the following code to the bottom of that file.
<script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: 'yourappId', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});}; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.type = 'text/javascript'; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); </script>
Don’t forget to change ‘yourappId’ to your appId which you can find on the page you’ve been served after creating your app on Facebook.
The last file we have to edit is ‘/app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml’. Open the file and look for the location you want to place your like button. Then paste the following code:
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="450"></fb:like>
It’s possible you’ll want to have a different type of button and for this I would like to direct you to the documentation Facebook has on this.
And that’s it, go ahead and test your like button. Also be sure to check whether you’ve set up the Open Graph data correctly by checking the URL of a random product page with the Facebook URL linter.
Thank you. this works like a charm. however you forgot about adminid meta tag
Yep, that’s true, I didn’t need it for this specific case. I’ll add it to the example soon.
Excellent post.
In my case everything works well apart from product images which does not show on Facebook.
Any help.
Thanks in advanced
Do you have a link for me where I can check this?
It seems like
is getting false for some reason
Yes, click on my name or go to www . perfuglamour . com then check any product
it seems like the line 1 – 4 in head.phtml is getting false for some reason
I have tested it writting manual values like:
title content = “My title”
And when you check the url linter it shows what facebook get from reading the whole code, not that line.
Hey Raul, I’ve checked several of your product pages but all come up 100% in the Facebook URL linter.
Hi Luc,
Thanks for reply.
It does come up in URL linter now, but it does not show in facebook sometimes.
After pressing the like button it gets “liked” state, then few seconds after it gets the normal state and nothing happens in the user wall page.
Found it.
“A user can not use the like button if logged in as an admin “spam reduction im sure” if you have a non admin account view your button and try to like.
As the admin you should be able to click Admin Page and like the admin page from facebook.”
Thanks for your Article.
It was really easy to integrate.
Thanks for a great guide, but I followed all the steps but no Like button shows up. Any ideas?
Do you maybe have a link for me to check?
This is just what I am looking for!
Thanks for this info and more power to your site! π
Somewhat ironic, you don’t have a ‘like’ button on this page (yet). If you did, your blog users would be able to view source on this very page to see how it works in an operating page.
1 ) My site is not built with Magento
2 ) I’m working on it π
Thanks!! Great explanation and easy to follow π
thanks for the solution
Man, I love when a post like this answers exactly what I need to do, step by step, and worked perfectly on the first try. Thanks, buddy- saved me a lot of time!
Thanks for this but I have one problem. I am using Absolute Magento template and so far all of the above steps were the same with the exception of the Head.phtml being called “header.phtml”
Now I get to the end and in β/app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme/template/catalog/product/view.phtm”
I don’t have a file called “view.phtml” I just have
So what do I do now, frustrating that this is the last step… π
Many thanks,
Hi again,
Ok I got it! It is not there, in the path that you have here. Maybe it’s this Absolute Theme but you have to go to:
and edit that one.
All good.
Great tutorial, easy to follow and works!
Many thanks from Spain.
Juan Miguel
Glad to hear it worked for you. Although now you’ve edited a core file which will be overwritten during an update. Please copy ‘app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml’ to ‘app/design/frontend/default/[your theme name]/template/catalog/product/view.phtml’ to prevent this from happening!
everything worked like a charm! thanks!!
however, your instructions to prevent an update from overwriting my changes were unclear to me. firstly, i do not have a file called ‘base’ inside ‘frontend’.
also your statement, “Please copy βapp/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtmlβ to βapp/design/frontend/default/[your theme name]/template/catalog/product/view.phtmlβ” doesn’t make sense to me. am i missing something here?
thank you so much.
Hey Jeffrey,
Yes, if you’re not seeing the base folder in ‘app/design/frontend’ I think you might have a broken Magento installation. It has to be in there.
Thanks a lot for this man. Why don’t you put some ads so we can click “thank you” π
Well, PayPal donations to info[at]lucdebrouwer[dot]nl are always accepted π
Thanks for a great guide, but I followed all the steps but no Like button shows up. Any ideas?
www . we-dream . de
Hi Fabian,
I’ve taken a quick look but I’m not detecting any code related to my post in there. Maybe you need to clear your cache to see the changes. Also there are a lot of encoded ampersands in your source codes. I’d check that too if I were you!
Hi Luc,
thanks a lot.
I see the code on the product detail site.
But there is no Like Button π
Hi Fabian, I checked again but the code found on your page is nothing like my code listed above. Please follow these steps accurately otherwise I can’t help you debug it.
Hi Luc,
ok the HTML Tag was not correct.
Now the tag is like your example. There is no Like Button, yet.
Hi Fabian, you need to replace:
Great tutorial, just what I needed and works like a dream. How would I get this button to show on the grid view?
Nevermind, I managed the grid view, but now need to do the same on the “new products” grid, can’t seem to find the source for it. Any ideas?
Hi Chris,
This sounds like a custom template. You can find the file you need to edit by using the Magento developer toolbar. Good luck!
Hey Luc —
GREAT post — I spent hours banging my head against the wall on this very problem. Your solution works very well.
I have noticed strange behavior in Firefox 3.6, though: using the Like button starts an unending loop of Facebook popups after the user logs in. I had read elsewhere that using OpenGraph was the solution to this (versus using the iframe, though it seems like that iframe is created on the fly anyway using this technique).
In the Firebug console I get two lines saying “The “fb-root” div has not been created.” (it has, it’s ordinary html in view.phtml) and that e.root is not defined. (The load command completes without error, but e itself is undefined; I’ve tried using jQuery’s getScript with the same result)
Finally — looking at the code that grabs the script from Facebook, isn’t this cross-site-scripting? Shouldn’t you have to load this on the server-side to work, not on the client-side?
Any thoughts?
Indeed easy to implement, thanks π . However, after having clicked the button, it doesnt turn grey or anything, to indicate that the product has already been liked. is that normal?
It should but sometimes Facebook gets a little quirky..
thanks a lot for the post,
I have followed all the steps mentioned, but when I share a product there’s no picture displaying and the description shown is meta description.
Please use the Facebook Linter to check where things are going wrong or supply me with a link to the website so I might be abe to help you.
Hi! This code works for individual product or just for my store site????
This works for all the products on the website.
Funciona !! Mil gracias !!
I’m working on a site in development ( http:// siteground169.com / ~cimarron/ ) and am getting the callout image on the right rather than the product image. Any ideas?
nm, seems to be working now. Might be clearing the cache or re-indexing… not sure.
Good idea! but addthis button have most like button.
Awesome stufff!
Perfect β working, also if you change language from en_US to your fb language tag.
Great work, many thanks
How would I apply the meta tags to work for a category page as well?
No, you would have to rearrange them a little. But I’ll think you’ll come a long way with the example I’ve provided above.
thanks… this code is working easily…… thank you once again..